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A group of friends, united by their passion for biodynamic viticulture and respect for nature, began an adventure to produce pure and authentic wines from clean and honest grapes.
Marcobarba is a project conceived by Marco and Stefano and carried out by the “Barbaboyz” at the Menti Winery in Gambellara. Marco “Barba,” raised in Madonna di Lonigo near Vicenza, is the heart and face of the Marcobarba project. In their spare time, Marco and his friends began making wine from grapes from small, abandoned vineyards owned by elderly widows.
Marco produces about 40,000 bottles of Marcobarba wine annually, including sparkling white, still white, red wine and grappa, from grapes he grows using biodynamic methods. With the help of friends he met while working at Menti, Marco improved the agronomic aspects of his wine production. Their goal is to produce honest and authentic wines from pure grapes, wines that, like Marco himself, are raw and unconventional, but with a big heart.
From his youth, Marco worked as a carpenter, but soon discovered a deep interest in biodynamic agriculture and Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy. He moved to the canton of Jura in Switzerland to work as a shepherd and farmer. In 2015, he returned to Veneto and began working with his friend Stefano Menti in his family winery. Thanks to his experience gained at Menti Winery, Marco began producing wine in his spare time from the grapes of several vineyards he managed for some elderly widows in his hometown, expanding year after year.
Marco and the Barbaboyz's wine production and bottling take place at the Menti Giovanni Winery, where they strive to create wines that are as authentic and passionate as they are.